“The guys get shirts!”

I’d like to bring your attention to a couple of t-shirts that I think are pretty nifty.

The first one is from 604Republic. I am not a huge Star Wars fan (I actually haven’t seen any of the movies other than the first one), but I felt like I had to get one of these to go with my Reagan t-shirt from ThoseShirts.com.

Shirt number two is from Sean Sorrentino at “An NC Gun Blog” (also added to the blogroll): the official t-shirt of Project Gunwalker. Sean’s apparently going to the printer on Monday so I’d place an order now if you want one.

(Disclaimer: I’m not getting anything from any party for this post. I paid full retail for these shirts. I haven’t even received them yet, so I can’t swear to their quality.)

(Subject line hattip.)

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