Photo geeking.

I’ve been a little hesitant to discuss the end of Kodachrome.

On the one hand, I am a photo buff (though not very good at it) and this is relevant to my interests. (I actually never shot a roll of Kodachrome, though; I used Ektachrome when I shot slide film, and I generally didn’t shoot slides.)

On the other hand, this has been well covered pretty much everywhere else in the known universe.

On the gripping hand, the NYT has an article this morning about Dwayne’s Photo, the last surviving Kodachrome processor; Dwayne’s is ending Kodachrome processing today. Particularly cool, to me, is the shirt pictured in the article.

And, yes! You can order those shirts from Dwayne’s Photo online! They aren’t even terribly overpriced!

(Note to self: also order a “Live Poultry Fresh Killed” shirt. Thanks, TJIC!)

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