Random notes: December 17, 2010.

I’ve already sent this to Jay G. so he can up the Dead Goblin Count (Edited to add: yeah, me and about 11 other people), but I think it is worth noting here: bad guys try to hold up a jewelry store.

Castillo pulled a pistol from his waistband and shot the gunman dead. Then he grabbed a shotgun from his office and engaged in a shootout with the other two armed robbers.

When it was over, all three robbers were dead — and Castillo, though shot at least three times, was still standing, having successfully defended what was rightfully his.

Adding to yesterday’s discussion of Bob Feller, Daring Fireball had a couple of good tributes: here, and here. (Edited to add: even more from Gruber.)

Blake Edwards: NYT. LAT.

There was a story I wanted to link yesterday, but forgot about: I previously mentioned the case of General John D. Lavelle, and the presidential decision to grant him a posthumous restoration of the star he lost. Unfortunately, that decision seems to have become bogged down in politics. Worse yet, Kissinger seems to be behind this.

“I am opposed to the proposition that it was ordered by President Nixon. That argument is totally false, demonstratively false,” he added. “If General Lavelle thought he had other authority, I do not know. I cannot comment on that.”

Attorneys for the Lavelle family, however, say that White House tapes show that Nixon did issue the orders, and that Kissinger was well aware.

Might not hurt to give your Senator a call.

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