DEFCON 32: -184 day updates.

DEFCON 32 is not – repeat, not cancelled.

It sounds like it was a near thing, though.

According to a post on the forums by Dark Tangent, “Caesars abruptly terminated their contract with DEF CON” seven months before the convention, leaving DEFCON with no location.

We don’t know why Caesars canceled us, they won’t say beyond it being a strategy change and it is not related to anything that DEF CON or our community has done. This kind of no-notice cancellation of a contract is unheard of in the conference business. The parting is confusing, but amicable.

The current plan seems to be to hold DEFCON at the Las Vegas Convention Center, “with workshops and training at the Sahara Hotel”. If you’re planning to go, it sounds like your best bet on a place to stay is probably a hotel on the monorail route.

There’s a pretty lively discussion, with a lot of speculation, in the Hacker News thread (where I first heard about this).

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