Happy birthday, John Moses Browning!

Excuses, excuses.

I had fancy plans for a JMB birthday post. (And pants to match!)

I was going to post a triptych (not really, but you know what I mean) of three JMB designs, including one that I’m not sure most people associate with JMB. But the weather here the past few days has been awful: not just cold (by Austin standards) but also overcast and wet. That’s not good for taking firearm photos.

And I don’t really have a good space inside where I could set up a three-gun photo shoot. Not right now, anyway.

So some substitute links for your pleasure:

John M. Browning, American Gunmaker: An Illustrated Biography of the Man and His Guns. I can remember when this was easily available, at extremely reasonable prices, at Half-Price Books. I wonder what’s going on with those prices?

The Guns of John Moses Browning: The Remarkable Story of the Inventor Whose Firearms Changed the World. Haven’t decided if I’m going to read this or The Rifle next.

Bob Rayburn’s Colt Woodsman Home Page. Mike-SMO asked a while back for some more Colt links, so I think this is going on the firearms reference sidebar. (Also, I have another reason. Hint. Hint.) Bob Rayburn was a serious Woodsman collector (he sold off his collection a few years ago) and this seems to be one of the best Internet references on the Woodsman.

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