TMQ watch: October 1, 2010.

A little bird alerted me to a strange and curious fact: the September 21, 2010 “Tuesday Morning Quarterback” column is missing from ESPN’s web site. The columns from the 14th and 28th are there, along with all the other ones from this season (as far as I can tell).

This is particularly interesting since that was the concussion column. I’m not willing to suggest that there’s anything nefarious going on here yet; it could just be a glitch with ESPN’s website. But it is odd and worthy of note.

Edited to add: Actually, the column is still on ESPN’s website; it just doesn’t show up in the Easterbrook archives, or the Page 2 listing for September 21st, but you can still get to it by clicking on the direct link. That lends more credence to the theory that it’s a website glitch.

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