Mixed drink note.

I could have out this in an earlier entry, but, well, I forgot.

After dinner at Mala, Mike the Musicologist stopped off at Anvil Bar and Refuge for a drink. Because it was in the neighborhood, I’d heard about it but never been, and it was a weeknight so the crowd was more manageable.

One of the classic cocktails on their list – which I had not heard of before – was the Up to Date. This cocktail is credited to Hugo Ensslin – who I had also not heard of before – around 1917.

Mr. Ensslin was an interesting guy. In 1917 (or 1916 – sources differ) he published a book called Recipes for Mixed Drinks, which many people consider the last gasp of cocktail culture before Prohibition. Mr. Ensslin was a hotel bartender, and Mixed Drinks is mostly based on his hotel recipes, not on ones he got from other people. It is supposed to have been a big influence on people like Harry Craddock (of The Savoy Cocktail Book).

There was a reprint edition a few years back (WP review) that seems to still be in print. But there’s also a scanned version online.

It was a good cocktail. I liked the balance, and may try making one at home at some point.

Also: The Chanticleer Society, though they aren’t updating as much as I would like them to.

Also also: the Sazerac at the Rainbow Lodge is very good.

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