Happy (belated) BAG Day!

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I had time to post in the morning, but honestly, BAG Day got past me, and things got hectic in the afternoon.

As you know, Bob, I generally give folks a couple of days on either side as a fudge factor, especially if BAG Day falls on a holiday or a Sunday, so as far as I’m concerned, you’ve still got time to make your purchase.

I’ve got something to do this morning, but after I get done with that, my plan is to go by my local gun shop and have a chat with them about something I’ve got my eye on. We’ll see what they have to say.

Edited to add: My LGS is going to call on Monday and get back to me on availability, lead time, and price. This is a special order item, not something they have in stock. I’m hopeful they’ll be able to get it, since:

  • It is a Smith and Wesson that’s in the current catalog.
  • They generally don’t seem to have any problem getting their hands on the M&Ps and the smaller revolvers.

If they can’t get it, I may have to call around to the larger dealers, or I might have to settle. Ruger has something very much like what I’m looking for, at a little cheaper price.

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