Important safety tip (#23 in a series)

This is something I did not know, but a person close to WCD mentioned it to me. The Texas Comptroller’s office confirms it.

Gun safes in Texas are exempt from sales tax.

Actually, it isn’t just gun safes:

The sale, storage, use and other consumption of firearm safety equipment is tax free. This includes, but is not limited to, a gun lock box, gun safe, barrel lock, trigger lock, firearm safety training manual or electronic publication, or other item designed to ensure safe handling or storage of a firearm.

So if I ever buy one of those Hornady lock boxes for my car…tax free, baby!

(Seriously, I was going back and forth on one of those for a while, so I could stash my gun in my car while I was at the office. Then the Chinese Rabies hit. Now I have no idea when I’m going back to the office, so buying one seems pointless.)

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