“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 394

Travel Thursday!

Why don’t we continue with our tour of the United States and visit another exotic destination?

“More Per Mile”, a 1950s travelogue about the great state of Kentucky, “the state where the young have fun”.

Bonus: “Real Appalachia with Shane Simmons” visits Harlan.

Bonus #2: This stretches the definition of “travel” a bit, but I found it amusing: “Flight Attendant: Is There A Doctor On This Flight? Dad: Yeah, Me [It Happened Again]”. This guy seems to get dragged into in-flight medical emergencies a lot.

Also, to be honest, I’m fascinated by this portable Bluetooth EKG machine. Not that I have heart trouble, but at $149, this almost falls into “impulse buy” territory. Throw it in your carry-on if you are a doctor and are traveling…not that I know anybody who falls into that category…

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