“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 389

Remember a while back, I wrote:

How can you even have a bad anvil? An anvil is just a big chunk of metal, right? It’s like saying “this is a bad chunk of metal”! How can a chunk of metal be bad?

Somewhat similar question: how can you have a bad axe?

Answer: “The Worst Axe I’ve Ever Tested”. Surprisingly, this is from Spyderco, a company whose products I am generally fond of.

Bonus #1: “Bacon Grease as Engine OIl? Let’s try it!”

I’m posting this specifically because: over the weekend, Mike the Musicologist came up for our birthday dinner. And somewhere along the way, a group of us got into a discussion of whether, and how long, you could run an AR with no lubrication…other than mayonnaise, the vile emulsion. No, I don’t remember where this idea came from, and it wasn’t terribly late when we came up with it. I mean, mayo is mostly oil, right? I suspect what would mess things up is the eggs.

We were actually discussing doing a YouTube video on this, using Duke’s, Hellman’s, homemade mayo…and Miracle Whip, which isn’t mayo, but is two lies in one.

I know somebody who has a GoPro and would probably let me borrow it, in addition to our phone cameras. We just need to find a range that will let us do the filming and isn’t busy, and someone who’s willing to let us mess up their AR (maybe temporarily?) for science.

(On an unrelated side note, I now have my snazzy new ballistic chronograph in hand. And MtM and I were discussing some more serious ideas for YouTube videos. I have a little list, if we can ever get around to it.)

One more, just for fun: “18 Straight Minutes of Useless Catholic Trivia”.

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