“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 168

Today: the majestic moose!

From the Simple Living Alaska channel, “Butchering a Moose”.

278 pounds of moose meat!

Okay, that was a little long, so here’s a coffee break sized one for you. I’ve written before about the legendary Broadway flop “Moose Murders”. (Which, of course, I never saw, because I was just under 18 at the time, didn’t live in New York City, and it opened and closed on the same night.)

So this wonderful eccentric decided, as the final for a class he was taking, to direct the opening scene of “Moose Murders”. And now it is up on the ‘Tube.

Bonus bonus, also short: “B-roll” from the Beautiful Soup Theater Collective revival.

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