I heartily endorse this event or product. (#17 in a series)

Thirty Eight Pecans.

It’s a store. That sells pecans. He does wholesale and mail order all year, but he has a retail store (buried in the back of a strip center off of 183, next to an animal hospital) that’s open during the holiday season.

His selection is amazing: Tennessee Honey or Jack Daniels flavored pecans? Got them. Amaretto chocolate? Dark chocolate? Milk chocolate? Cajun? Just plain ones for baking? Got it all. Looking to ship a sampler to someone? Just go in: he’ll take care of the packing and shipping. All you need is an address (and payment).

We’ve been there twice since the season started, picking up pecans for ourselves and to ship to relatives. The thing that finally pushed me into writing an endorsement, though, is this: Mark, the guy who runs the place (origin story here) is incredibly nice and flexible. It seems like everything we asked for (and granted, we didn’t ask for anything really exotic and outlandish), his response was, “Sure, I can do that,” as well as, “Sure, I can get those in the mail today. I’m going to the post office anyway.”

This is another one of those people who I want to have trouble sleeping at night: because all of those $100 bills stuffed in his bedding are making too much noise.

My impression is that he’s going to be open next week (if you want to do last minute shopping), closed Christmas week, and will be open again January 2nd. After the first of the year, he plans to have a fire sale to clean out inventory until he opens up again next winter.

If you don’t have a convenient Knights of Columbus branch selling nuts, or even if you do, throw some business Mark’s way. I want these people to stay around and prosper: they’re really good folks.

(I didn’t get anything for writing this endorsement. Not even free samples. I just wrote it because I really like Mark, and his store.)

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