Happy (belated?) BAG Day!

As I mentioned earlier, we were doing a lot of running around yesterday, and I didn’t get home until late, so this is pretty much the first chance I’ve had to make a BAG Day post.

Of course, I’ve sort of advocated extending BAG Day for at least a few days, due to it falling on a Sunday this year, so I’m not sure that this is more than technically late. (“Technically late” is, of course, the best kind of late.)

How did things pan out? Well, we made it down to Cabela’s yesterday, and the thing I was looking at last week was still there. Photos to come, but probably not until this coming weekend. As for other people, I’ll leave it to them to decide if they want to comment or not.

Speaking of comments, thanks to pigpen51 for his kind and gracious comments on the last post. You’re always welcome here, pigpen: you wear well.

And I’ll be glad to host comments and/or photos on other people’s BAG Day purchases, since I don’t see any of the usual suspects doing so. If you just want to leave a comment, you can leave it here: if there’s enough interest, I’ll do a round-up in a few days.

If you want to send photos and comments, stainles [at] mac.com or stainles [at] sportsfirings.com work. Send stuff there, I’ll post it here. Let me know how you want to be identified: pseudonyms are fine.

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