Betting watch.

This is to note that I owe Lawrence $5 on our Gonzaga bet. (Gonzaga!)

(Actually, I would have paid him on Saturday night, but I needed to break a $10, and forgot to do so because we were all distracted by the bidets at the Turkish restaurant.)

(“distracted by the bidets at the Turkish restaurant” is not a phrase I ever thought I would write on this blog.)

Also, Lawrence has bet me $5 that the Cubs will not win the World Series this year.

2 Responses to “Betting watch.”

  1. ben says:

    Will there be a review of the Turkish restaurant on the Saturday Dining Conspriacy website?

  2. stainles says:

    Yes, but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to have it up. I’m bogged down this week with my final paper; after the 26th, I expect to have a bit of time to work on things like SDC updates.