On a lighter note…

I wanted to toss up a link to Lawrence’s piece on “The Decade of Weirdness: The 1970s”.

I am a little surprised he didn’t mention Transcendental Meditation in his roundup, but the 1970s were a target rich environment; if you brought up all the weird stuff from that decade, you’d probably have a novel-length post.

2 Responses to “On a lighter note…”

  1. I was going to mention TM (given how deeply irritating the whole thing was), but it’s claims were quite modest (baring a few crackpot claims of levitation) compared to the other paranormal beliefs I was bashing.

  2. stainles says:

    I think TM’s beliefs got a little more strange (“We can reduce crime in Washington DC by meditating!”) but that may have been more in the 1980s rather than the 70s.