Art, damn it, art! watch (#1 in a series)

I was doing these back in the pre-blog email days, and a couple of people have griped that I haven’t done one in a while. Well, that’s because until now there hasn’t been much art news to report. Now, though, I have a chance to see how many buttons I can push with one blog entry.

First up, the LAT reports on a Frank Lloyd Wright drawing which is currently featured in a local exhibition. The drawing? A “cottage studio” designed for…Ayn Rand.  (A pretty nifty design, I think.)

By way of Balko, we learn of a couple on a quest: to photograph every Sizzler in America.  And they’re planning to publish a book of the photos, too.

(The comments at Balko’s site are amusing, too, especially #24: “No. This is not art. End of discussion.”  Since art is  “any human activity that doesn’t grow out of either of our species two basic instincts: survival and reproduction“, (or then again, maybe it isn’t) the commenter is clearly wrong.)

(Hi, Mike!)

One Response to “Art, damn it, art! watch (#1 in a series)”

  1. […] point 1, we’ve discussed previously the definition of art (by way of Scott McCloud) as “any human activity that doesn’t grow out of either of our species two basic […]