Confucius say, “We’ve lost our lease! Everything must go!”

The Forbidden Gardens in Katy are closing.

Yes, I know. “The what?”

…neither did throngs of tourists, in large part because Forbidden Gardens didn’t employ theme parks’ usual noisy methods of attracting them. There were no billboards, no radio ads, no coupons. The place was as reticent as its owner.

Lisa Gray in the HouChron has a pretty good piece that covers the closing, the history of the Forbidden Gardens, and what little she could find out about Ira Poon, the shadowy millionaire who’s supposedly behind the attraction.

Based on the Chron’s story, I wouldn’t be shocked if they start digging for the Grand Parkway expansion and find a gargantuan underground lair beneath the Forbidden Gardens, complete with death ray and shark tank.

2 Responses to “Confucius say, “We’ve lost our lease! Everything must go!””

  1. Joe D says:

    I had no idea this place even existed.

  2. stainles says:

    I think I had sort of kind of vaguely heard of the place, but I never went.

    Of course, the last time I was anywhere near the area, it was not exactly an occasion for tourism.