Even a blind pig finds an acorn sometimes.

The almost completely worthless (ever since they fired Jim Romenesko) Poynter.org republishes Martin Merzer’s memo to Miami Herald staffers on how to cover hurricanes (aka “The dreaded Merz hurricane note”).

Don’t stand in standing water. Let the other idiots get electrocuted — we don’t need them anyway. You, we can’t replace because we’re in a hiring freeze. Also, if you die, we need to fill out a lot of messy paperwork.

(Hattip: Vera Bergengruen‏ on the Twitters.)

One Response to “Even a blind pig finds an acorn sometimes.”

  1. […] Here’s Miami Herald writer Martin Merzer’s classic guide for reporters on what to do while covering a hurricane. “Don’t use your own car. Rent a car. Despite company policy, take every form of insurance offered by the rental company. Don’t park the car under a lovely old tree or in a low spot near the motel.” (Hat tip: Dwight.) […]