Lord of the I Told You So Dance.

The Saxet gun shows in the Austin area are on again.

Note my careful phrasing there. Saxet did not make a deal with the Travis County commissioners. Instead, the gun show is now in Hays County; specifically, in Dripping Springs.

Travis County has lost over 100 thousand dollars with the shift of Saxet’s contract.

The next show is March 29th and 30th; Saxet does not currently have any shows listed other than that one, so we’ll see how things play out.

(And Dripping Springs is a little less convenient for me than the Travis County Expo center. But I used to drive out to Dripping on a regular basis, so it isn’t a deal breaker.)

2 Responses to “Lord of the I Told You So Dance.”

  1. That Guy says:

    That’s a much better location for me. I am happy they have told Austin and Travis county to go pound sand.

  2. stainles says:


    Thanks for replying. I’m glad they told Travis County to pound sand, too.

    Are you familiar with the location they’re using? Is it comparable in size to the Expo Center?