Random notes: December 11, 2013.

The NYT has awarded four stars to Sushi Nakazawa.

Why do I care? Why should you care?

  1. Four stars is as high as the NYT rating scale goes. The paper of record does not hand out that rating like candy, so this is kind of a big deal in the dining scene.
  2. Sushi Nakazawa is run by Daisuke Nakazawa. If you’ve seen “Jiro Dreams of Sushi“, Mr. Nakazawa is the apprentice sushi chef to Jiro Ono who spends much of the documentary struggling to perfect his tamago. See? Hard work sometimes does pay off.

I haven’t watched a single episode of “Breaking Bad” (it is on my list, though), but I have to admit: I like this hat. It may be a little pricy at $149, but you know, man walks down the street in that hat, people know he’s not afraid of anything.

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